Laser Electronics and Software

The laser originally LaserCut 5.3 and a plugin to Corel Draw.

It had the Leetro MPC6515 controller

Pictures from Aug 5, 2024

The full controller. Rotated to match the block diagram.

two Stepper drivers. Not sure where the third driver is.

Switches set the same. I rotated the image 01111010

The four wire conenctor with three wires on the left: Blue Green Red

The full controller. Rotated to match the block diagram.

69 page manual!

another useful set of posts Talks about where to wire in the water protection line.

A useful post

Includes this iinformation. "Ruida controllers need a water protection circuit. I don’t see one hooked to the WP1 on the CN5 connector."

I think this is the right controller

I ordered this: Cloudray Ruida RDC6445S Laser Controller × 1 China Warehouse / RDC6445S / Set D: Controller+ Wireless Handle

The new controller documentation? I have RDC6445S, this is RDC6445GT5

Page for the RDC6445G/S

Oh my, UPS says the new controller should arrive Friday!

List for replacing controller

  • use small cable tie to seperate x and y wires.
  • label the double x dir and step together, they don't need seperate labels
  • Document all findable settings for old controller. Look at control panel, LasterCut5.3, maybe coreldraw
  • document and label all wires
  • control panel-need to make the whole larger
  • unmount old controller, but leave wires connected
  • move wires, except laser control, over and test
