Other articles

  1. Blog pivot

    Original Date: 2020-06-15 11:05:49 I have not been using this blog because it was intended to be for serious and professional things, but time for a pivot. So onward with new focus. New vigor.

    This tweet by Brandon Taylor from May 14, 2020 has stuck with me.

    "The …

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  2. Live Hinge

    I have a directoy named 'laser_box' with two files in it.

    It is a parametric model for a live hinge. Specify a few parameters in the OpenSCAD file and you get a live hinge that you can export to a dxf, and then read into your laser software.

    a live hinge

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  3. A Table for my GigaMacro rig

    I finally got my GigaMacro rig up to the 'new' house (we have been here for 17 months, so 'new' seems a bit of an over statement).

    It is in a sub-nominal condition, there is rust, and wear from neglect. But it is, to me, a beautiful object, and I …

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  4. Drawer Dividers


    I wanted to make drawer dividers for my tool boxes, especially the out of control screwdriver drawer. I did a little search, and decided that it was worth it to just pay $3 for an SVG of drawer dividers from Pacific Grove Designs on Etsy.

    The pattern is …

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  5. OGR2OGR is still awesome

    I downloaded the Sonoma County Parcel information. From

    But it is too large to be useful, so let's use ogr2ogr to zoom in on their property.

    lower left 38.39 -122.85

    lower right 38.39 -122.84

    upper left 38.39 -122.85

    upper right 38.41 -122.84 …

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  6. Stupid Things

    You can press the laser button on the control panel to turn the laser on and then press the direction buttons. This lets you cut straight lines, like when the laser doesn't want to cut for some reason, but it engraved something that you like.

    You need to lift up …

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  7. Thank you Eryck

    How to engrave a picture

    'Engrave only support 2-bit bitmap'

    Filled the transparent area with white.

    Converted to Greyscale than back to RGB

    Saved as JPG

    Try: Optix by Plaskolite, INC Extruded Acrylic maybe 1/8"? Engrave 300x22 Cut 30x80

    Engrave not very distinctive. Cut did not work-did two more …

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  8. Shop Boxes

    In the Global Connections lab at NASA Ames research center we used these yellow shelf bins.

    And I adopted that as my personal standard.

    yellow shelf bins

    But not everyone likes them. Christine rightly points out that it is basically impossible to keep them clean.

    My friend Tom Yoder made these great shop …

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  9. Costs

    How much have I spent?

    6/25/2024 $1,000 Cash for the laser 7/14/2024 $92.94 Mendo Mill Electric and distilled water 7/14/2024 $33.66 Amazon Power splitter and outlet cover

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  10. First Light!

    First Light!

    first hole!

    I went to the lodge to keep Sweetie company, and things went late, but we got home and I went back to the shop. And I fiddled and faddled and I had success!

    The first hole cut by the laser...by pushing 'laser' on the control pad.

    Laser Love and Beer

    First …

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  11. Setup and Operation


    • Run 220 power for Laser, Chiller, and air compressor
    • Set up chiller. I believe, and YouTube agrees, that input goes to laser output, and output goes to laser input, emergency wire to laser, connect to power.
    • Air compressor connect to laser
    • connect laser ground wire
    • Setup up computer, connect …
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  12. Tightening the 220 connection

    I got a splitter for the dryer outlet, so I can use the same outlet for the laser and the dryer. I can probably use them both at the same time. That outlet is provisioned for a lot of power!

    I made my 220 to normal outlet pigtail, because the …

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  13. Project ideas

    • Shadow boxes and frames
    • cocktail robots, natch
    • shelf dividers/organizers for tool boxes
    • shop boxes, like Tom Yoder's, but more like the double yellow boxes.
    • Photo outline popups, ala Papa Don's and Robbie's. Glue photo to board, cut out outline of person and put on a stand.
    • projects/finn_dragon/Dragon-149393 …
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  14. Laser Power

    How do I power this beast?

    Sunday July 14, 2024

    The laser, chiller, and air compresser or 220 but use standard 110 sockets

    Laser 220 1.5kw, ~7 amps Chiller 220 Air Compresser 220

    I think that the laser, the chiller, and the air compressor each use NEMA 6-20p 20 …

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  15. Tasks

    done - Figure out power done - focus/tune? done - Start up checklist done - Maintenance Schedule done - Other resources...

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  16. Initial Laser Journey

    alt text

    It's footprint is 54" x 67"

    On June 23rd there was a facebook post. An 80 watt 4' x 3' laser cutter. I jumped on that!

    It is probably 'only' 1200 mm x 900 mm, which pedanticism only matters when one has 4x8 foot sheet goods and can't cut the …

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  17. Neovim

    gf opens file in new window :e# goes back

    ^W f opens file in split window. yayish. - should follow a file, doesn't work for me, does bring up a screen :h gf

    • custom browsing with a special handler :h gx

    I blame Robert Kaye :-)


    :help nvim-from-vim


    • I …
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  18. Clear Lake level, with pandas

    I live on Clear Lake, and watching the level rise and fall is one of my minor obsessions.

    Clear Lake has a special way of measuring the height of the Lake. It uses the 'Rumsey Scale.' There are some nuances, but pretty much a guy named Rumsey put a stick …

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  19. 2023 Albums as Darkside of the Moon

    Generated by GDAL2Tiles    
    gdal2tiles.py -t "2023 Albums as Darkside of the Moon" -w leaflet -p raster -s EPSG:3857 darkside.png tiles
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  20. About me

    Software developer with a 'non-functional fixation' that sometimes leads me to interesting discoveries. Co-Author of two O'Reilly Books. Mapping Hacks and Google Maps Hacks.

    Python (since 2007), Django, Flask, PostGIS, BigQuery, QGIS, GDAL, Unfolded/Foursquare Studio.

    Spatial and large data sets, Precisely, Lightbox, Ookla, ACS/Census, etc.

    Experienced filing and …

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  21. Publications, talks, links

    It is interesting to see how we describes ourselves, or are described by others, in such a simple format as the conference or publication 'about the author/speaker' blurb.

    Here are some ways I've self described, or been described by others. I imagine that I will add to this.

    Gigapan …

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  22. Rich's Resume

    Software developer, Data researcher, Digital Cartographer, GigaPanner, General Tinkerer

    California, USA * Rich.Gibson@gmail.com * (415) 891-7266

    Most Popular Skills

    • Programming, Data, Databases and Cloud, Geospatial

      • Python
      • Django
      • Flask
      • Jupyter
      • Pandas
      • GeoPandas
      • Docker
    • Data Sources

      • Precisely
      • LightBox
      • Ookla
      • American Community Survey
      • SafeGraph
      • FCC 477 Data Collection
      • FCC Broadband Now Data …
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  23. Rich Gibson Resume

    Richard Gibson

    Software developer, Data researcher, Digital Cartographer, GigaPanner, General Tinkerer

    California, USA * Rich.Gibson@gmail.com * (415) 891-7266

    Most Popular Skills



    Databases and Cloud


    • Python
    • Django
    • Flask
    • Jupyter
    • Pandas
    • GeoPandas
    • Docker

    • Precisely
    • LightBox
    • Ookla
    • American Community Survey
    • SafeGraph
    • FCC 477 Data Collection
    • FCC Broadband Now Data …
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  24. Laser cut grating

    This is a laser cut grating or grill cover. The holes are 1/2". This is a walnut veneer over an MDF core.


    Ed then suggested that I make smaller versions suitable for model boats, and he took them to the model boat club where several were snapped up by …

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  25. LaserCut5.3 documentation

    Apparently I wrote this in 2016.

    Lasercut Software

    The controls on the right side allow you to configure details about the different objects to be cut and engraved, and also allow you to control the laser directly.

    The Layer Section gives you options for each 'layer' in your project. Layers …

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  26. Explicit images

    Here are some of the high resolution genital portraits referred to in the essay on

    It seems like it should go without saying, but these are in fact explicit, although mostly somewhat 'clinical' images.

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  27. Calibration: Ruler, using bellows

    50 mm lens on the fully extended bellows.Lens set to f8.Single stack, 16 images in the stack.Approx 659 pixels per mm. Each pixel is about 0.7 nm.[caption id="attachment_15647" align="alignleft" width="300"]Fully extended bellows with a 50 mm lens.  About 8mm field of view, and a Fully extended bellows with a 50 mm lens. About 8mm field of …

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  28. Showing images

    [vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color="grey"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_single_image border_color="grey" img_link_target …

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  29. Gigapans!

    [vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color="grey"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_single_image border_color="grey" img_link_target …

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  30. Multi Image Photography, notes

    Talked with Dave Dempsey, maybe at New Point

    What do I do? A class? a Book? Web? Manifesto?

    about the power of multi image photography

    -Design fiction 'enhance'

    ubiquity, street view, vs. POV/intentionality

    "Make it 50 pages" Dave Dempsey

    Collect my various talks and writings, throw it all together …

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  31. The Quartier 21 Sessions - Portraits

    A lossy compression of humanity...

    In 2011, 2014, and 2015 I took portraits in Quartier 21 of the Museumsquartier in Vienna. Here are some of those images.

    Albrecht Dürer said that the portrait preserves the form of the person after death. It is an art which confronts and tries to …

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  32. The Quartier 21 Sessions -

    A lossy compression of humanity...In 2011, 2014, and 2015 I took portraits in Quartier 21 of the Museumsquartier in Vienna. Here are some of those images.Albrecht Dürer said that the portrait preserves the form of the person after death. It is an art From 2011:Landscapes of humanity …

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  33. Looking at eyes...

    IMG_20141109_174309Looking at this painting "Portrait of a Young Man, 1507" by Albrecht Dürer at the Kunsthistorisches Museum I suddenly noticed the eyes.

    The light in the eyes of the paintings, a tiny study of reflection, of light sources in the eyes of the subjects...

    It made me think. And then …

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  34. Aging Street Punk (a poem)

    Aging street punk sits on the sidewalk on a grate, on his jacket or a dirty rag.

    Hard to tell. I've seen him before most days

    Familiar stranger, more stranger than familiar

    He's playing with a rat. He smiles at the rat.

    The rat walks up and down his arms …

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  35. Ageing Street Punk (a poem)

    Aging street punk sits on the sidewalk on a grate, on his jacket or a dirty rag.

    Hard to tell. I've seen him before most days

    Familiar stranger, more stranger than familiar

    He's playing with a rat. He smiles at the rat.

    The rat walks up and down his arms …

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  36. Waiting for Robots (a poem)

    I used to sit, or stand, in Vienna and notice things things that happened, or didn't happen, while I waited for the Gigapan robot to finish.

    Now, mostly, I sit and notice things and I don't wait for a robot to let me know when I am done noticing things …

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  37. Againg Street Punk (a poem)

    Aging street punk sits on the sidewalk on a grate, on his jacket or a dirty rag.

    Hard to tell. I've seen him before most days

    Familiar stranger, more stranger than familiar

    He's playing with a rat. He smiles at the rat.

    The rat walks up and down his arms …

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  38. The Quartier 21 Sessions - A lossy compression

    In 2011, 2014, and 2015 I took portraits in Quartier 21 of the Museumsquartier in Vienna. Here are some of those images.

    From 2011:

    Landscapes of humanity, of sexuality: The act of portraiture is constructed as a process of abstracting away from reality to create an image. An image for …

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  39. wordpress notes

    My personal notes on Wordpress

    -hide feature image on posts

    font: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/raleway

    To post gigapans Take a snapshot. try for squarish in preview make it 600 pixels wide. create a gallery if needed upload image to the gallery add the link to the gigapan

    note …

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  40. About Rich

    rlg_head2Rich.Gibson@gmail.com PO Box 960 Sebastopol, CA 9543 707-529-6413

    https://www.facebook.com/gigapanner I am Rich Gibson. My goal is to make the world better by changing the way you see.

    I create multi-image hi resolution images at different scales. From sub micron resolution to 300 megapixel …

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  41. CV

    High Resolution Photography and Workflow management

    PO Box 960, Sebastopol, California 95473

    RESUME UPDATED December 19, 2011

    TAGS (partial list)

    gigapan, high resolution imaging, maker, portrait, archiving, geocoder.us, mapping, geospatial analysis, georeferenced audio, kml/google earth, flickr api, time hacker, perl, geowanker, gps …

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  42. test post

    here is a post[portfolio_slider order_by='menu_order' order='ASC' number='' category='' selected_projects='' lightbox='' title_tag='' image_size='']portfolio list[portfolio_list type='standard' columns='' image_size='' order_by='menu_order' order='ASC' number='' category='' selected_projects='' filter='' lightbox='yes' show_load_more='' title_tag='']

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  43. Kunsthistorisches Vienna

    The Kunsthistorisches is awesome! I have been experimenting with doing handheld multi-image panorama captures of paintings. Some of the results please me...

    [caption id="attachment_15418" align="alignleft" width="1504"]Flora and Flora Meretrix are on temporary display at the Kunsthistorisches Museum. Flora and Flora Meretrix are on temporary display at the Kunsthistorisches Museum.[/caption]

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  44. z

    I create multi-image hi resolution images at different scales. From sub micron resolution to 300 megapixel portraits of people, and more.

    I also write software (my GitHub account), fabricate equipment, including a CNC controlled microscope, once wrote books (Mapping Hacks and Google Maps Hacks), and passionately evangelize for the technologies …

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