About me

Tue 31 October 2023: About

Software developer with a 'non-functional fixation' that sometimes leads me to interesting discoveries. Co-Author of two O'Reilly Books. Mapping Hacks and Google Maps Hacks.

Python (since 2007), Django, Flask, PostGIS, BigQuery, QGIS, GDAL, Unfolded/Foursquare Studio.

Spatial and large data sets, Precisely, Lightbox, Ookla, ACS/Census, etc.

Experienced filing and analyzing FCC (477 and BDC) and California Public Utility broadband reports.

Experience developing and pipelines.

Some ways I've described myself, or been described for various publications and talks


  • Gibson, Rich Hello DrinkBot! Make Magazine May 18th, 2020 link to article

  • Longson, Jay, Cooper, Gene, Gibson, Rich, Gibson, Molly, Rawlins, John Edward, Sargent, Randy (2010). Adapting Traditional Macro and Micro Photography for Scientific Gigapixel Imaging. Carnegie Mellon University Research Showcase. link to full text

  • Gibson, Rich, & Erle, Schulyer (2006). Google Map hacks: tips and tools for geographic searching and remixing. O'Reilly

  • Flickenger, Rob, & Weeks, Rober (2nd edition 2006). Wireless Hacks: tips and tools for Building, Extending, and Securing Your Network. O'Reilly (contributed three hacks)

  • Gibson, Rich, Erle, Schulyer, & Walsh, Jo (2005). Mapping Hacks: Tips and Tools for Electronic Cartography. O'Reilly


  • Hello Drinkbot! Workshop - Make a cocktail or Italian soda dispensing robot Maker Faire San Mateo 2019

  • State of the Map US 2013: Street Name Fight Rich Gibson and Sophia Parafina.

  • BodyTrack: Open Source Tools for Health Empowerment through Self-Tracking, Anne Wright, Candide Kemmler, and Rich Gibson, O'Reilly Open Source Conference, 2012. slides Section 'The Eyes Have it: using photos for Self Tracking', starting on slide 17

  • Explorable Microscopy, with Anne Wright, O'Reilly Open Source Converence, 2012. Interview from the conference

  • Mapping the Wireless Revolution, with Schuyler Earle, O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, 2003

In this talk Schuyler and I remarked that many of the tecnnological themes 'emerging' have a 20-year history: much of the new work is a rediscovery and recovery of past ideas and ideals.

Updating this about md file in (checks date) 2023 it seems that perhaps I should be reviewing my old notes :-). But no, seriously...

  • “The Explorable Microscopy Project: Enabling New Science and Exploration Through Gigapixel Imaging at the Microscopic Level” by Cooper, Gibson and SargentSIGGRAPH Studio 2011

  • Gigapan Gigapixel Imaging by Rich Gibson, Molly Gibson, Miriam Goldberg, and Mary Jo Knelly SIGGRAPH Studio 2010
